
Please see attached price list.

Each case is unique so the costs publicised are an estimate only. You will be provided with a treatment plan and will be advised of any proposed changes during the course of treatment. Please ask us if you have any questions.

We accept all types of payment including cash, cheques, debit and credit cards.

If you are an eligible PRSI patient you are entitled to a free examination and a subsequent hygiene appointment every 12 months.

Payment Schedule

We request all fees to be paid at the end of each visit. For more complex treatments, payments are requested at 50% on commencement and 50% on completion. Non routine dental treatment e.g. crowns, root canal treatment, orthodontic and periodontal treatment are entitled to tax relief at 20%.

Can the dentist charge me if I miss an appointment?

Depending on the circumstances the practice may decide to charge you according to the time that was allotted if you miss an appointment or cancel at short notice. If you fail to attend we have the right to ask for a security deposit if you wish to book another appointment with us.